Step By Step Usage

Setup Scene

  1. Create an empty Scene named SSF_Test
  2. Create a ParticleSystem and deactivate its Renderer function
  3. Create an empty Object named Renderer
The Inspector should looks like:
Add SSF_LoadParticlesFromParticleSystem.

The Inspector should appears as follows:

  1. Assign shader and the ParticleSystem just as follows:

  2. Disable and then enable the Component to take effect.

  3. Now Toggle on Visualize, black spheres can be viewed in the Scene Window and Game Window.


Visualize works only for debug purpose, it will not affect the proper workflow functionality.

Cofigure Renderer

  1. Move on to the Inspector of the Renderer in hierachy

  2. Click Add Component, Add SSF_TextureGenerator. This should be many missing values in the inpsector. Assign as follows:

  3. Disable and then enable the Component to take effect. Component of type SSF_RenderSurface should be automatically added.

The meaning and effect of parameters can be checked in API


From Scene View, fluid-like shape can already be viewed .


It’s not cool enough, right?

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