Surface Shading

In previous asset, Surface Shading has lots of limitations:

  • achieved by ImageEffects on Camera, which is no longer supported in URP.
  • do not work well when there are transparent objects in scene.
  • do not support mulitiple lights and global illumination.

In a word, it limits as it’s just some sort of imageEffects.

In our implementation, we reconstruct the fluid surface from textures using quads of different resolutions (or dimensions).

Based on that, Amplify Shader Editor was used to write a surface shader Fluid Surface.shader for that surface. Therefore the rendering process of fluid surface can be integrated into Unity’s Rendering Pipeline.

Textures Description

To understand how to change surface shading, textures generated from SSF_TextureGenerator should be understood.

Textures Name Texture Format Description
DepthTexture R origin depth of particles in ViewSpace
ThicknessTexture R describes how thick the fluid is from ViewSpace
NoiseTexture R used to peturb surface normal and add Foam effect, ViewSpace
SmoothedDepthTexture R smoothed depth of particles in ViewSpace
EyeSpaceNormalTexture RGBA fluid surface normal generated from SmoothedDepthTexture in ViewSpace
EyeSpacePosTexture RGBA fluid surface position generated from SmoothedDepthTexture in ViewSpace

Surface Shader

It’s already described that surface is created from a quad mesh.

On enabling the SSF_TextureGenerator, two things happen simultaneously.

  • a script called SSF_RenderSurface will be attached.
  • a GameObject which is the Surface Mesh will be attached as the child of ParticleSource of SSF_TextureGenerator


Tuning the parameters of SSF_RenderSurface and SSF_TextureGenerator to ajust surface appearance .

Through opening the Fluid Surface.shader, the graph flow can be viewed.


We mainly do following things:

  1. render mesh as transparent object
  2. replace the quad’s vertices’ positions and normals with fluid surface normal and vertices.
  3. sample from ThickenessTexture to set opacity
  4. sample from ThickenessTexture and use Lambert-Beer Law to set Specular
  5. take fluid’s Index of Refraction into Consideration and set Refraction
  6. sample from NoiseTexture to peturb normal and add Foam Effect
  7. sample from ColorTexture to set Albedo port


It’s recommended to open the Fluid Surface.shader using Amplify Shader Editor.

For customization purposes, you can copy this shader and make your customization.

Then assign the shader as the Shader Input to SSF_RenderSurface.